Fast food as done a great deal too many people in the obesity world we now live in. The narrator described Carl was chocking and I believe suffering from his own fat. Carl had a small incision where he would he get his food fed into. Carl also had gained so much weight it opened one of his wounds. McDonalds I would use best for an example because advertising it so much and building a restaurant on every corner block you come across can only make a person tempted
Although McDonalds is very affordable it comes with very much a bigger price. The more addicting the food may be and the more a person eats it, you will see how much it will affect your body in just a little as a month provide by the brief movie “super size me” it shows how fatty the food may be . It raises your cholesterol to a point where you can catch a heart attack. It can cause you to be obesity and from obsessed you can experience many health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes type 2 etc.
It was very informing to me because I do have high cholesterol and at times I would have to miss class because it will cause me severe chest pain. I didn’t realize that I trying to cut down fast food was not enough to lower it and fast food can cause so much more than just minor chest pain.
Critser, Greg. "Let Them Eat Fat." Oh, How Happy We Will Be: Pills, Paradise, and the Profits of the Drug Companies. June 1996: 41-47. Web.
hi,this is a great blog.And using your own experience to support the health risk that associated with fast food eating, makes your argument more stronger.keep up the good works of blogging.May I suggest,that you introduce either your author or the book you are using at the beginning of your writing, in other for your readers to know what, who, or where you're quoting.